

    Worked more with filling gaps - it's pretty complicated.  Putty's hard to file, melting glue could, well, melt everything, and cement requires multiple applications between drying time.





    Remember that nacelle that was crooked?  I fixed it by eliminating the post it stood on and just gluing it to the hull.  A little drastic, yes.. In retrospect I should have left a little of the mount just to give it some substance in structure, but it was crooked so I just did away with it.  Not sure if I'll use putty, I may well.





    Worked with the airbrush for the first time - splatters, inconsistencies, total mess.  Ran out of air, changed cans, and it was perfect - the picture of grace.

    Okay, next lesson - the kind of air you use in an airbrush is core.  It'll be interesting to see what it's like spraying enamel (the airbrush kit came with acrylic).  The problem with experimentation is the fact that  it's expensive - each air can costs $12, and you can go through it in fifteen minutes.  I can see why professionals just grab a compressor - no contest.