
     I've put paper over the blue LED light post and have mounted the painted plastic for the bussard collectors.


     Mounting the plastic wasn't perfect - there were some pretty large (1cm) gaps in places.  I tried to fill one with putty (as you can see in the pic above) and that went over like a brick.  No damage (fortunately), but quite a pain in the ass.  I chose instead to use clear window cement, coating both sides of the gap and allowing the resulting surface tension to fill the gap.  That worked well.  Once that was done, I painted the sides of the plastic (and the clear glue) with the same red paint using a brush.

     The really tricky part now is going to be mounting the warp coil plastic.  I'm going to put the assembly together with rubber bands and try and fit the plastic before it's painted.  When I figure out how to mount it, I'll paint the plastic then mount it (with the "Play-Doh" between the sections), and the warp nacelles will be complete.