
    I've found a page referring to another model built by Steve Smiley (http://starshipmodeler.net/gallery3/ss_vgr.htm), and he brought up some very good points, including the fact that bulbs not only might burn out, but they generate heat (heat buildup is another factor in their burning out).

   I know this, but had failed to consider that effect in the fibre-optic drivers.  Essentially, these are two-piece cases for a lamp, such that the lamp goes inside and the leads go out two holes in the back, and you drill a hole the size of the fibre cable(s) in the cap, and place the cap over the other piece (and a little inside, surrounding the bulb).  This configuration is just begging for the lamp to burn out.

   His model also showed the inside lighting having a tint of blue.  I thought that off-white would work best, pushing peach-colored.  I figured between that and the white light from the lamps it would look pretty good. 

   I am strongly leaning towards replacing the lamp units with "white" LEDs - as previously noted (07/16/01) they're kinda blue, but if they were the internal lighting and fibre-drivers, I think that would be alright.  His pictures show a slightly blued interior, and I think it looks pretty darn good.

   He was also able to light the impulse engines - not an easy task, but he's demonstrated that it can be done - now I just have to figure out how.

   I'm going to do without the indeglo nightlights, though.


The picture of progress...    The above was written between 1-2a, and now I write this after working the project for about 6 or so hours.  I've confirmed that I'd rather use white LEDs then bulbs, which changes all the wiring and circuits. 

    I've made a major discovery - there are blinking lights on the Voyager!  Specifically, running lights on the fore, mid and aft sections of the ship.  There are two on the bottom and three on the top.  Now it would seem I need to design a flashing circuit, and figure out how to get those lights there!  They're very small spaces.  I'm thinking of drilling the appropriate holes, making windows on the surface and using fibre in sets of five strands from inside the ship to make the light.  This means I'll need to use one fibre driver for all the small window lights, and make the other do the flashing parts.  This also means I'll need a lot more fibre (5*5=25 more strands).

    I have an electronic hobbyist's kit from Radio Shack, it's what I'm doing all my learning against.  I've already burned out an SI diode.. :(

   Here is the revised circuit for 3v -> 2v conversion for the smaller LEDs:

LED 1 has 3v where LED 2 has 2, by the nature of the transistor's resistance

    I've been working on the flasher circuit for the five white running lights, and it's not as easy as the above.  I appreciate it's easy on a more grand scale, but at this point it's a sore temptation to go down to 'Radioshack.com'  and get a relay-based timer and put the whole thing on a 12v circuit.

   But then relays make noise.  Problems, problems...