
     The sanding is complete.  In the images below you'll see some reflections - this is the silver primer beneath the primary hull coat.  It was fantastic - when I saw the hull shine, I knew not to sand any further (which was hard considering shading and shadows sometimes).




     Next, I break out the GIMP!  :)  I will paint it an off-white or tan so as to verify that I can use the new airbrush properly.  Then, after the Gimp's been thoroughly humiliated, the Voyager gets it's second attempt for the primary hull color.


Later in the evening...

     As you can see, I've painted the Gimp a lovely shade of "FS Tan".  With the other airbrush, I was unable to tell if the paint was too thin or thick - using this airbrush makes it more obvious, and hence easier to get the right consistency before it's used on the model.


     So, I've worked up the courage with my new tool and have applied the final coat that is the primary hull color.  It's not exactly perfect - I can tell there are problems - but they're very small, and if I keep track of them I think I can simply work them in with the shading when I apply the secondary  hull color for the "Aztec" pattern.


Later still...

     I got ambitious:  Both top and bottom are painted, and the Aztec pattern and paneling on the topside is complete!

     I'm pleased with the primary hull paint - it's not perfect, but I think it's quite alright.

     I spent almost two more hours researching the Aztec and paneling, and you know what I found?  That instead of trying to match what others have done perfectly, to just be artistic and wing it with their guidance in mind.  Fortunately, it worked out just fine.

     I've mirrored Thomas Sasser's "Painting the Voyager" page, and am using that as my primary means of reference (which is why I mirrored it, I would hate to have it disappear while I'm working on it!).  Please note that this mirrored material is his property (as if I could use an airbrush that well!).

     Next - Aztec on the bottom and finish paneling.