Regarding fibre, I've had to
learn a lot about it. The thin diameter fibre isn't as picky,
but when you get to the larger diameter there is an issue - if you
fail to polish the ends of the strand, it will cause the light to
yellow. I've also learned that you can heat up the ends
and make them mushroom a little - therefore, instead of making the
flashing running lights flush with the surface (which is harder to
implement than I thought, I might add) I can raise the fibre just a
little above the surface and then heat it up - should look just about
The other issue here is that the room
I have to work with is precious little. I think this is going
to have to just be figured out when the time comes.
I'm pleased that I have more time to
perfect the hull colors - I've been making tweaks (the color recipe
on 8/9/01 has been updated each
time). |