The point is obvious. There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. Every minority ... feels it has the will, the right, the duty to douse the kerosene, light the fuse. Every dimwit editor who sees himself as the source of all dreary blanc-mange plain porridge unleavened literature, licks his guillotine and eyes the neck of any author who dares to speak above a whisper or write above a nursery rhyme.”
Ray Bradbury

This site has a few features that set it apart from most.  These security measures aren’t because the site has super secret cow powers or secret content (everything’s public, open source works), they reflect modern security standards that, in truth, everyone just needs to get used to.


No doubt about it, multifactor can be a pain.  If you remember your password and type it in, you still need to get a separate device out – probably your smartphone –  to get the multifactor code.  This can be annoying but it’s a necessary evil because passwords are very often weak or stolen.  You need to enable multifactor everywhere you can (GMail, Evernote, Facebook, etc).   Embrace multifactor – it’s here to help.

The plugin “Two-Factor” for WordPress was chosen not only because it’s free, but because it’s data is kept locally (not in “the cloud”) and can use both the new U2F FIDO Open Token, or a a very old yet tried and true standard called TOTP – Time-based One Time Password.  This is the same as Google Authenticate, but was in use decades before Google tried to claim it as their own (“Google Auth”, but they didn’t invent it), it’s effective, quick and easy.  It was chosen over a “passwordless” system like Auth0 because I believe centralized for-profit authentication is an inherently flawed security model.
I don’t recommend you use Email as an MFA method anywhere, it’s not very strong.  The “Dummy Method” listed below is just for testing, if you select it your account won’t be enabled.

Login via username, not email address

In many cases, email addresses are an extension of our identity.  It’s on our business cards, lease agreements, accounts for monthly payments (etcetera), and as a result changing your primary email address can be a REAL pain.  This being the case, your ex knows it, your parents know it, your employer knows it…. anyone who bothers to pay attention knows your email address.

On the other hand, usernames can vary from site to site.  You not only have to guess a user’s password but guess what name they used.  This also helps with anonymity.

Long passwords

NIST has admitted that it made a mistake a long time ago – passwords don’t need to be C0mp.l.3x!! , they need to be long. Length is more important than content, the longer it is the stronger it is. 

For this and every site you use everywhere, make your password as long as is convenient and as simple as the site will allow.  Always use multifactor and install good antivirus software on your computers (not McAfee or Symantec, for Pete’s sake..). That is practical security.

Must be registered and logged in before posting

Many sites are doing this nowadays, which is inconvenient.  The reason is that spammers and criminals use open board postings to post sites to exchange illegal material, or otherwise small, innocuous post will end up with literally thousands of advertisements for “!!!V1Agr@!!! BUY IT RIGHT NOW NOW NOW!!!!” … it’s disgusting.  There’s only so much a site can do to protect itself, so unfortunately this passes inconvenience to you, the user.

Few spammers go through the trouble to set up multifactor before they spam a website, and those that do are easily caught, removed and blacklisted.

Minimal logging & cookies

This site is fronted by Cloudflare, they may use cookies for general analytics so that they can determine who’s hitting the site from what country using what browser… and that’s it.  We chose Cloudflare because they’re privacy-minded and not invasive, but their specifics are out of our control and are subject to change. Cookies on this site enable basic site function – we use no tracking cookies of any kind.

The central server keeps diagnostic logs on a ramdisk, rotated out every week.  After that week we only keep what we need – no IP’s are held onto, no visitors are tracked beyond what Cloudflare uses for basic visitor count.  We know the last time you logged in (but not from what IP address) and what you’ve posted.  Law enforcement requests for data that are legal and accompanied by a warrant we are obligated to abide by, but it won’t be much. 

In the end, we know our site was (for example)  hit 1000 times this week with Firefox (560 times), Chrome (400) and IE (40) from the US, Canada and Russia… and even that data is gone in 6 weeks.

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